Amazigh king Massinissa

Amazigh king Massinissa

One knows very few things of Gaïa but it is known that under the direction of this sovereign, the kingdom massyle had started to reach a high degree of civilization, but Syphax, the king of Massaessyles rivals, had not ceased badgering it, seizing, with each time it could it, its cities and territories. Rome supporting Syphax, Gaïa had been combined with the Carthaginians. It provides them, in exchange of their protection, of the troops which the Massinissa young person ordered in
Spain, from 212 or 211 before J.C until autumn 206, with the frequent one: voyages in Africa. The war was not long in turning in favour of the Romans. The Carthaginians, beaten with Ilipa, lost their possessions in the Mediterranean
MASSINISSA whose name was transcribed MSNSN on the libyques steles – with probably reading farmhouse N SEN “their lord” – was the son of king Gaïa
It was again the war in Africa and, after rough combat, Carthage was delivered to the flames, then with plundering. The survivors were reduced in slavery and the city was entirely shaven (149 before J.C). Massinissa, dead a few times earlier, had not attended the fall of the coveted city. Its subjects, which liked it, drew up a mausoleum to him, not far from Cirta, its capital, and a temple with Thougga, current Dougga, in Tunisi
Massinissa was famous in all the countries of the Mediterranean and the island of Delos, in Greece, raised three statues to him. Towards the end of its life, he wanted to seize Carthage to make his capital of it. The Romans who feared that it acquires a power even more large only that of the Carthaginians and that it is not turned over against them, were opposed to this project. Caton, drawing the attention to the danger which Massinissa represented, launched its famous formula: “It is necessary to destroy Carthage
It had several wives and a considerable number including forty three males. The majority disappeared before him but it remained about it, with its death, ten. It loved the children and it kept around him its grandchildren. Does a Greek merchant, having come to buy monkeys in Numidie, to distract the rich person, it say “the women of your country, do not give you they not children
The social and political work of Massinissa was as large as its military work. It sédentarisa the amazighs, it unified them, it built a State Numide powerful and equipped it with inscriptions, inspired by those of Rome and Carthage. It made a national currency, maintained regular and a fleet which it sometimes put at its Roman allies

He goes everywhere, encourages his men, cuts down by-Ci, by-there his adversaries, but its efforts remain vain. Despaired, it only thinks of saving the remainders of its army. It springs ahead, surrounded by some riders, spawning time, way and leaves the camp of battle. Massinissa which sees it launches with its group behind him. It presses it, in spite of the pain which its wound causes him, because it burns to bring back it captive. Hannibal escapes from the favour from the night whose darkness starts to cover nature.”

Carthage was again forced to negotiate. But the preceding treaty was revised and the punic city had to restore in Massinissa all the territories which had been torn off with its ancestors. Hannibal revolted and tried to be opposed to the treaty but threatened to be delivered to the Romans, flees in Syria where it committed suicide into 143 before J.C