Tourisms in imghran Imghran word Amazigh are collecting (Amghar) which means Sheikh in Arabic, is one of the main problem areas of the terri...

Tourisms in imghran

By | April 11, 2017 Leave a Comment
Tourisms in imghran
Imghran word Amazigh are collecting (Amghar) which means Sheikh in Arabic, is one of the main problem areas of the territory of Ouarzazate, geographically, economically, culturally, and through the census, Vamgran collect all of the tribes (Amgran, Xrnan, White Affan, Kntolh, Ait Okror, Gsat, Amy Nuasiv) residents of this topic tribes speak Tamazight (Tachelhit), but with a slight difference in pronunciation by each region, as well as this area is known for its diversity (CBD).

Qualifications natural and human resources:

Considered Amgran regions of the south-east and exporters of labor, especially towards Agadir and Ouarzazate, which concentrated its activity generally in the fields of construction and agriculture, and the rest profession gypsum of the most important disciplines sons Amgran, Vhrfe or "teachers" region renowned for their perfectly craft nationally and internationally, especially the Gulf states, as you know, the region is also important proportions of citizens living abroad, but they do not live up to the rate at which you know Tinerhir other parties as a city, for example, where migration is the most important sources of income of the material in the region.

Amgran is an area of farming, as is the first producer of almonds and walnuts region, and the most important at the national level, and in this framework intends to tribes Amgran organize a festival at the end of this October to celebrate these two producers, who Ivran peasants ups horses task, also carries on population activities other pension peasant agriculture and farming and bees and livestock, especially goats and sheep.

Amgran gave birth to a set of figures and objects, Dhuoa political influence and economic Steering large, some of them have been able to reach the top positions and to decision-making centers of government and the party, and is considered the most prominent Ameskane happy where he held a range of positions including (former head of the group, the former parliamentary , Minister of Transport earlier, and president of the Regional Council of Ouarzazate previously, secretary-general on behalf of the Popular Movement Party, President Managing Director of Foundation Ouarzazate major), as well as embracing the region a group of investors and contractors are active in particular in magazines construction and agriculture, transportation and some different businesses.

Problems and obstacles to development:

Although the region, which enjoys the qualifications, Vamgran does not differ from other areas of the south-eastern part of the problem of slow development wheel, and you know a big shortage in infrastructure such as roads, and as indeed of mountainous areas and semi mountainous, the population suffers from urinary difficulty or lack of it in the road some areas, despite the presence of a narrow paved roads, such as the link between the valves and Tendot, and the other from a valley in the direction of Azrki Demnate through Bgsat, they do not live up to the expectations of the population and their needs.

The latter contributes significantly to impede the development of the tourism sector in the region, what you know of biodiversity and a major cultural allowed to be an important tourist destination, especially mountain tourism and cultural, as is obvious to a fact that the region is available on a range of bronchitis historical notably the rod kidneys " Bafarrakan "and bronchi Gsat and Asgmo and Aazrki that suffer neglect and extinction, and the absence of Damo gesture responsible parties (National Company for the restoration of the bronchi and Rzah and culture ...).

And we can not fail also refer to the discovery of the largest known area, and is the oldest dinosaur era Btasuda the year 2003, which appeared and disappeared without affecting positively on the region in this area ...

As you know, the region lack of health centers and social services, in addition to poor coverage of mobile phone networks, and is also known as a large proportion of illiteracy among the adult population, the thing that is being exploited by the elected like other rural areas marginalized Kingdom to win the votes of the electorate, as well as the growing dilemma and is a great migration of young people, particularly, and the money and investments toward areas and other cities.

Human development in the region:

Dar student highlighted the title "For example, a few"

      Perhaps the most notable is facing an attention visiting Tendot (center Amgran) is that building large and the new house a student, it can be considered as the most prominent examples that demonstrate the start of the change and the evolution of mentalities, during the visit the crew Site recent Tendot (Thursday weekly market), we met by chance and without an appointment with Mr. Ibrahim Amcasso(businessman Ouarzazate), head of the Islamic Charitable Society for Amgran since 2008, this man's humility usual we take a tour of the corridors of Dar student (old) with a cargo capacity of 100 beneficiaries, accompanied us to inspect all facilities of the shrines to bathrooms Modern through halls reading and informatics provider network the Internet, then the kitchen and restaurant, as well as a prayer hall and sports pitches also offers a free service with added value for the organization reflected in the allocation of machines saponification provide for beneficiaries bother washing clothes on an ongoing basis, where we found out clear conditions good and appropriate offered by the institution, and in a conversation with some of them assured us the extent of the attention that incite him by the managers and trainers and their satisfaction with the services provided to them, "See the pictures below."

After the success of this house and demand that I have known, and its contribution to the fight humor school, is currently working on the construction of the "House of the student" over a large area allows harboring about 200 students, which was completed about 70% of the works, subject to all the terms of the construction of modern and live up to a good level and will provide good conditions for the collection and science, this project cost 3.6 million dirhams contributed to the funding of each group Tendot and group Amy Noloun, the National Initiative for Human Development, the Regional Council, and some of the benefactors, and also has been providing school transport from During a bus belonging to the Association and two cars belonging to the transport group.

And worth of this platform to pay tribute to efforts exerted efforts in this area, and follow the example of such development projects, Vbaltalim and development of human resources and forming a generation educated and uneducated officials thus will enable us to change mindsets and contribute to the development of the country and explore a better future.
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