discovery of Imghran The Tamasint area |
Get to know the Tamasent picnic area in Imghran
Get to know the Tamasint picnic area in Imghran |
In the context of the discovery of Imghran The Tamasint area, located west of the Amkchod roundabout, about 6 kilometers away from it, or an hour and a half on foot, was an important resource in the past decades, as people used to go to it to bring firewood and graze sheep and camels, before it turned into a destination for exploration and recreation. Every new generation makes a trip to it, in which there are floods of water, trees, and frogs chirping. It is not more beautiful than the fields, but it is a space for contemplation and enjoying with friends, but what matters is whether the inhabitants can invest in that land, or will it become the property of Boughaba in the future
Get to know the Tamasint picnic area in Imghran |
Get to know the Tamasint picnic area in Imghran |
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