Imish Kasbah is in danger |
Imish Kasbah is in danger
imish Kasbah, Toundoute community, Ouarzazate province...an ancient cultural heritage that combines the fragrant history and urban heritage
Imish Kasbah is in danger |
Amazigh heritage
It was built centuries ago and still bears witness to important events in that era. It has become a historical and cultural heritage that tells future generations the ancient history of the region and the region
Imish Kasbah is in danger |
A message to those responsible for Moroccan heritage
but due to negligence and indifference, it has become directly threatened with collapse, and I began to say farewell to the people of the Imghran region in general. Trying to hold on as much as possible, perhaps it will be restored soon
Imish Kasbah is in danger |
A picture of the ancient inscriptions inside the Kasbah
Imish Kasbah is in danger |